Monday, October 18, 2010

108 - 98

That's the bowling card score between my gf and I, mine with 98..hahaha. I think it's the first time she's beaten me but hey, it's just a game. It's been quite some time since I last bowl..the same goes to her. For her, it's the first time she's scored more than 100 pin falls...Well done!

Other than bowling, played pool and had KBOX session with my gf yesterday. Not a special day, but I was trying to ease some steam off myself. Been going through a lot of things (academically) and yesterday I was a little disappointed with how I fared with my Engineering Design Test/Exam.

I won't be so disappointed if can't do well or if I sit for an exam unprepared. When you know you've done little, you won't be aiming so high. As for this morning, I did fairly enough preparations and the calculation questions that came out were relatively similar to the ones I did during my revisions. In fact, I felt confident on the calculation part.

However, thinking back on how I really did this morning, I realized that I made 2 silly mistakes. Aduh aduh aduh..... macam biasa, I have to depend on my theory section for marks.... I'll be thankful if I can get more than 50%... I'm crossing my fingers..hehehe... BYah!!

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