Monday, December 13, 2010


Maybe it's because I fucked up since 2000 until now, I kinda feel that I'm not rewarded for what I do... I mean, when I said I need a new laptop, my parents told me to fork out my own money... when my sister said she needed a laptop, they bought one... and when she lost it a week later, they bought a new one.. for my case, I forked out 1k and my parents came up with another 2k for my brother to buy a laptop..that was in 2002..and in 2008, the very same laptop was given to me..a hand down laptop..already 6 years old.... it's about time for me to get a new one especially I'll be in my final year soon.... I know a laptop is not cheap and apparently I have some I was like ok la...dun want to burden my parents...

Then today, my mom bought a new camera for my sister...a reward for her since she managed to get into Dean's list in her final semester... Ok la rite..a reward... but.. but.... I was never treated something like that... and it's getting unfair... you can say that I'm 28 now so if I want anything, I should them myself... but when I was younger, I was never given such thing as well.. as far as I remember, my parents only bought me a mobile phone back in 2000... after that, I work to buy my own handphone... things to I earn everything I wanted and do.... things are going too easy for my sister... fair? don't think so...


Ting said...

The younger ones always have it easier, trust me! It is indeed unfair in my opinion! But what to do, right?
For example, back when I was in secondary school, I was given xxx amount by my parents as the monthly allowance/ pocket money. But when it was my younger brothers' turn, the amount they receive today is a few times fold of what I got a few years ago. Whenever I complained, my parents said era dah tak sama, time has passed blablabla u can't make comparison like that.. then they would go on telling the stories of how tough their lives were when they were young - jalan kaki naik gurung untuk sampai sekolah/ only lampu pelita at night to study/ kena pergi kebun bertanam lepas kelas
I guess as the eldest kid in the family, the parents often have high expectations on us. They are also stricter. Perhaps in the hope that we will become a good role model for our younger siblings. But we can't deny that, in a way, it makes us who we are today - responsible, understanding and willing to take the challenge :) so it's not always a bad thing. Whereby the younger ones, if u notice, are always (over)protected, hence live an easier lives which makes them ungrateful or immature at times
Just my thought..

Miguel 'Iban' Sampaio said...

true in a way... but if you notice...if they kinda get into trouble, we're the one cleaning the mess or somehow we're the ones being blamed.. hahaha... well, duno about you but I do get that...