Anyway..last Monday was Valentine's Day and it was basically the first time I celebrated V-Day with my gf. But since we were both busy preparing for mid-term exams, we didn't really plan for anything special. We did planned to go out for a movie on Sunday night since gf was supposed to have class on Monday evening. However, an announcement came to cancel her Monday evening class so we scrapped Sunday night plans and spent some time studying on Sunday so that we won't have much guilt on Monday evening.
Still, it was too late to make any plans and reservations with restaurants. In addition to that, budget was a little tight since I spent a bit for my friend's wedding gift a few days before that. In the end, we decided to go for a simple dinner at one of a well known buffet steamboat in Kuching, D11.
The place is hallal and you'll see a number of Muslims eating there, be it a family feast or a gang reunion. On V-day, we were not the only couple eating there and we were lucky to have a good table without any booking.
Although some might say it's a 'cheap' choice...I do have to highlight that I'm a full time student now. Plus, we had a great time eventhough it's just a buffet date. Of course I'd love to spend V-day at a lavished place but in the end, as long as you have a great time, that's enough.
Talking about great time on V-Day, I'd like to comment a few things la. I'm not going to comment on the fatwa things because I don't think spending a great time with your love violate any religous law. But what I want to highlight is on how some of my single friends kept on lamenting about V-Day as the worst day and etc... Don't mention having a very bad day if you haven't been shut the fuck up...
Valentine's Day might be defined as a day where a couple spend a lovely time falling in love over and over again. Although it is true, it should not be a day reserved for couples. In fact, couples should take everyday as Valentine's Day!! 14th February, Valentine's Day should, I dare say, always be, wait for it, celebrated by the singles....Why?
I'm not trying to remind you guys for being all lonely and feeling dejected... Instead, Valentine's Day is a great day for you to step up, fill in your guts and march to the person you like...and ask him/her to go out. It's Valentine's Day!!?!?!? You don't need another reason to ask him/her out... You don't need to make up some funny/weird pick-up line... Just lean over, ask him/her out for a lvoely night simply because it's a Valentine's Day... Seriouly, Valentine's Day is not just a day to be celebrated by couples, but a special day for us to fall in love..those out of love to be in love...for those in love to fall in love over and over..for those searching for love not to be lost anymore...for us to simply show our love to the person we care and love.... Byah!!
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