Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dewa?? Forget about it (but ada slim hope)..

Among my friends...we have this term of 'dewa'... An expression where we boast around saying we are better than you kinda stuff... My aim is to become one in this semester.. You see, my friends and I belong in this one type of group..'uras'... meaning we like to waste time, enjoy life and see the light in everything... So we're not exactly the type of people others want to mix with because we're simply time waster bla bla bla...

However, I want to be the first dewa among the to show to the smart asses that you can achieve good results even if you enjoy your life more than studying... Common, life is just too short to be overly 'skema'....

However, after my CFD paper yesterday.. the target is getting farther.. Unless the next 6 papers I get A- or A..baru can... So...I think I'll stop here and do some reading la..ahaks...

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