Friday, April 1, 2011

Brave Leap

If you really look at it in a different angle..what he did, the guy yang bunuh diri tuh... it was a brave thing to do really..a brave leap indeed... I mean imagine how he did it.. jump from the bridge into the one of the deeper area of the lake... sinking and sinking... struggle for air...your body become heavier since you're in jeans and there's a big rock in your bag... you're losing breath.. water start to strangle you..and finally...

For me...I'm a lil' afraid of heights... so jumping into the water pun dah takut... and the thought of struggling for air while being pinned down..aiseh... I'm not brave enough to do it... and I'm pretty sure most of us are the same..

C'mon..I'm pretty sure most of us ever think about death whenever an obstacle gets too hard... but we never really have enough courage to do it..coz we're just too scared of death.. it's not really because we cherish life or anything... want me to prove it?? well, if life is something we can reset..I think most of us will just bunuh diri la if things sik ikut when we play video game la.. If colony dah kena serang kaw kaw..I'm pretty sure we just send our hero 'naked' into battle field... We dare to do it because we know we can reset ba... but in real life..we don't dare because it's not somethig we can reset or restart...

However...I'm not asking you all to be brave and finally do it for real la.. I'm just saying he had the guts to do it...if only he used the same idea on living this life owh... have the guts to face all the challenges... BYah!!

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