Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Home made Caesar Salad

This one is basically cheat code punya...coz Caesar Salad will have Romaine lettuce, salad dressing, croutons, Parmesan cheese powder and some meat (usually chicken breast, lamb or prawn). But my chicken boobs were still frozen, I haven't abducted lambs in Desa Ilmu and I was not in the mood to play with prawns...so I decided to make this one fully vege. As for croutons, I just ran out of bread and for Parmesan..dush dush...only ada cheddar..... So in the end, it's just Romaine Lettuce and salad dressing.... :P

Salad dressing for Caesar Salad is made of:

1) Egg yolks + cider vinegar + olive oil + salt + you beat them until kembang = home made mayo...

2) Add the product above with canned oiled anchovies

3) 1 + 2 + with black pepper and Parmesan cheese powder + mustard + beat them all up....

and PRESTO!! You have your Caesar Salad dressing..oh wait, you'll need to store them in the fridge for 12 hours... DESPAIR!! DESPAIR!!

Fear not..that's where ready made mayo comes in handy..ahaks... I simply don't fancy canned oiled anchovies because... I can make my own version of oiled anchovies... Just heat up some oil in a pan..while waiting, pound some dried anchoves but not until they're all mashed up like powder...just lenyek lenyek penyet.. Once the oil is hot, off the flame and throw in your pounded anchovies.. let them cool down and ten tambah mayo, salt and black pepper..don't forget, a pinch of love... PRESTO again!! Ada salad dressing...

So now, just gaulkan them both in a bowl and they're ready to serve... Byah!!

p/s: For more info, just email me..

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