Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Something different happened today...not weird but different for a change. Usually by 6pm, I'll either be in my room surfing or outside helping out my dad with his garden. Instead, today at 6pm I was in the kitchen preparing to cook and my lil sister outside helping dad with his plants. That's great for a change, once in a while I do want to cook for the family..Oh ya, mom was/is at work until 10pm.

I don't really mind cooking for the family. I used to cook for everyone when I was in secondary school and while waiting to enter matriculation. All the cooking, I have to thank my aunt for teaching me on how to cook pork porridge when I was still in Primary 3. How I love cooking..and my parents are quite lucky to eat what I cook... I'm pretty sure they don't know that I used to be the kitchen guy in some restaurant/cafe a few years back. They always thought I'm a waiter in some hotel or cafe to kill my time. Not only I used to cook as a source of income, I even set up the menu at the place I used to work!! Those are things executive chefs do in Restaurant Makeover (Astro - TLC)!! Too bad that after I left, sales went down and a year later the owners sold the business...

Anyway, what's for dinner today?? Quite a lot but I'll tell you more on my Sri Lanka induced Beef Curry and my home made Caesar Salad in my next post... Byah!!!

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