If you ask me, I’d say yes and no. ‘Yes’ because he is quite old and we all now he is not in the best of health now (not as macho as last time). In addition to that, he has been there (as CM) for far too long. Maybe he should be elevated to TYT (some say that’s what he want). I’m saying ‘No’ here because I simply can’t see any one else standing out to replace him. We have a lot of capable leaders, but I just don’t think they outstanding enough. They do go here and there with the rakyat, they donate, they go for press conference, open house and etc…. but those are things we simply expect from them. They’re not doing anything that makes us keep quiet, pause and stand in awe.
But if I really have to choose, then I’d say ‘No’. As much as most of us want him to step down, I am worried that the next person might not be good enough. Come on la, it’s no secret that a lot of people are against the CM but they’ll still vote for him. He is just that good, that powerful, that great and I honestly think there are no other leaders have the same aura up to date. I’d prefer our CM to stay where he is now until he goes to the next world rather than gambling on a new CM.
Think I’m nuts? His aura as the CM is not the only reason why I’m betting my money on Pehin Seri. If we recall back from the day he took office until today, we hardly have any riots, we all live in harmony, Peninsular Malaysia hardly can touch us (they can come in but we’re still with our own rules), we’re hardly in anything that can damage our bond between each other. I can call my Indian friends tambi and they don’t mind, my Chinese friends call me lak-kia pun I don’t mind, we all (including my Malay friends) lepak and eat at Chinese/hardly halal place pun it’s ok. In short, regardless of all the allegations and assumptions most of us make about our CM, we have to accept that we’re living in a good way until today.
So, I’m still going for ‘No, it is not the right time for Pehin Seri Taib to step down’ but I do think it is better if he can name 4 to 5 candidates as his replacement....…Byah!!!!!!!!
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